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Pest Control and the Role of Bats in Ecosystems: Insect Predators


Bats a well common name but while talking about pest control our mind simple goes to either extermination or use pesticides to relief our self from the problem. But there is an eco-friendly system which can help us naturally which is much better but normally it always stays hidden and that is:- Bats. These creatures can act as natural predators. In this blog we will discuss how bats play a vital role and how much they contribute.

The Diversity of Bats as A Predator

Bats are the only mammals whom are capable of flying but they have variety of species almost to account bats have 1400 species in total. They are the most diverse group after rodents. Bats can be found almost every where on the planet. From urban to rural they are no exception.

Bats Appetites

Some bats are vegetarian meaning they usually consume fruits, small vegetables, nectar but most feed on small insects which makes insectivores. Bats can consume up to 1000 pests at night within an hour and a group of bats can devour a whole colony of pests.

Natural Pest Control

Bats are capable of controlling pest on any environment. They have a lot of species so they are able to change or adapt based on their needs. They also target flying objects like moths, beetles, in agricultural yields they eat earthworms, cotton worms. This is not only natural but also beneficial for the agriculture.

Agricultural Benefits

Farmers mostly face the challenge of protecting their crops from pests. Damaged crops are no good for a farmer it wont make them any money hence it will be more like an hindrance. This is where bats can be their valuable ally. By reducing the population of pest’s bats help farmers to decrease their use of pesticides on their yields. Which is harmful for both animals and humans. So with the help of bats farmers can have an eco-friendly system and sustainable environment.

Eco Balance

Bats can play a major balance in our economy system by keeping the insects at bay. They can prevent pest outbreak can keep them at bay. Pests can damage plants and disrupt the balance on a great scale and unbalance the eco–system. When bats are present there is less pressure on the yields, which results in healthier environment and reliable food source.

Threats to Bats

Despite being so friendly and naturally helpful for our eco-system. Bats are facing danger right now. Many bat species are facing eminent threats for the loss of habitat, pollution, spreading diseases made them on a bad term with normal civilization. But we can do some little effort to give them a safe environment and teach ourselves how to be on a good term even with the bad effects they have. Which is the most beneficial.


They are an incredible creatures which are always being unnoticed. But their contribution in our daily life is no joke. Bats help reduce the use of pesticides which is harmful for both animal and human, they also maintain the balance of the eco-system. So, it is essential that we take minimal steps to save this species this will reap the natural benefits that we all dream of and we can gift ourselves a balanced environment.

If you want to learn more and take action accordingly try taking action from some of our professionals 247localexterminators.com.